Membership & Donations
Time spent at the lake is a precious part of all our lives, but with that privilege comes the responsibility of protecting this valuable resource not only for ourselves and our families, but also for future generations. GELIA is committed to that cause, and your membership dues and financial support allow GELIA to carry out critical programs that help protect the lake.
In the ongoing work of protecting our lake, communication is essential. Becoming a member and supporting GELIA ensures that you will receive timely information about GELIA and our work to keep our lake healthy and beautiful.
Membership Levels
Steward $500
Patron $250
Sponsor $150
Supporter $75
Member $50
By renewing your membership, becoming a first-time member, or contributing to the invasive species fund, you will help us in the battle to keep our lake pristine. If you’re already a member, please consider increasing your membership level. An investment in protecting the water quality and the sheer beauty of Great East Lake is also an investment in protecting the value of your home and land around the lake.
GELIA is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization. Memberships and contributions are tax deductible. EIN #04-3014031.
The membership period covers July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
Membership Form
Make a Donation

The threat of an invasion of Variable Milfoil or another invasive species is frightening. The Directors of GELIA and our committed members are doing everything possible to avoid this catastrophe. We have a very strong Weed Watcher’s Program and Lake Host Program to constantly monitor for weeds.
None of this can guarantee that we will be spared. With Belleau Lake, Balch Pond and other nearby water bodies infested with milfoil, we remain concerned. While the states and towns are willing to help with remediation they cannot cover the costs of acting quickly and completely enough to contain the weeds.
Once an invasive species takes hold, it cannot be eradicated, only controlled. And the cost of this control is very high. Milfoil infestation can reduce property values by up to 15%, and greatly impacts recreational uses of the water.
The GELIA Board of Directors voted in 2003 to establish a new fund designated strictly for the treatment and control of an invasive species infestation, should an outbreak occur. We have no immediate plans to use the funds but want to be prepared to act instantly in the event of a problem. Please donate as generously as you can.